Reconnecting to our Roots (2021)
The first event “Reconnecting to our Roots” was successfully carried out in December-2021 with a limited group of Professionals from various backgrounds including Research scientists, IT professionals, Engineers and Chartered Accountants. It was a 2-day program covering foundational aspects of the three dimensions of Religion - Islam, Imaan, and Ehsaan, as outlined in the famous hadith of Jibril (upon him be peace). Two primary guest faculties namely Maulana Ziyaur Rahman Alimi and Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed Misbahi hailing from North India associated with a renowned Islamic educational Institution Jamia Arifia brilliantly piloted these sessions. The elite audience which also had couple of Group discussions. Jamia Arifia (U.P India) is known for its quality education, research works, publications and its MoU with Al-Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt). Day-1 sessions covered Hadith-e-Jibril followed by sessions covering Imaan and Islam. We had a fruitful session on ‘Who are Ahle Sunnah wal-Jamaat’ and an elaborate group discussion on ‘Takfirism as a prevalent issue’. Day-2 was dedicated to Ehsaan (i.e., Excellence), the science of Tasawwuf and Sufism vs Ritualism followed by clarifications on doubts regarding Sufism. Managed by a handful passionate individuals, this spiritual-intellectual journey to Islam was absolutely relished by the audience and almost every individual experienced some share of the magnificence and enormity of the Deen. The event was concluded with certificate distribution and an emotionally stimulating Dua which ended on a high spiritual note, for all present. The event has been professionally recorded and the 2-day course is readily available for all the seekers of knowledge. “Raah-e-IshQ” seeks your active support and participation for the spread of classical Islamic sciences and strengthening of the Prophetic Mission. View Playlist